Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Not-Perfect-Mom Support Group Meeting

Mrs. Wilson: Welcome to this month's meeting. I'd like to ask if there are any new members, and have them introduce themselves?
[Shirley and Miranda are sitting together, they stand up]
Shirley: Hi, I'm Shirley, and I'm (sob) not a perfect mom.[general sympathetic murmers and some applause. Miranda pats Shirley on the back]
Mrs. Wilson: That's ok, Shirley, we're all here together. Do you want to share anything?
Shirley: [sniffs] Yes. Just last night.... [holds back a sob] I yelled at my kids!
[general murmer]
Shirley: it was only an hour past their bedtime, and I really wanted them to get a good night's sleep, but... I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help it! [sobs into handkercheif]
Miranda: There, there, it's ok. [pats Shirley's back some more]
Mrs. Wilson: Does anyone have anything to say to Shirley? [a hand goes up] Yes, Mrs. Friedman?
Mrs. Friedman is an older woman, hair almost white. She stands.
Mrs. Friedman: I just want to tell Shirley I yelled at my kids once. I felt awful, horrible, too, but you can't go back. You have to keep trying.
Mrs. Wilson: thank you, Mrs. Friedman. Anyone else? [another hand] Yes, Joanna.
Joanna: I think we have to remember why we are here - none of us are perfect moms, and we need to acknowledge that and support each other. I want to tell Shirley we've all done something ourselves, and we're here for her.
Mrs. Wilson: Thank you, Joanna, I couldn't have said it better.
[Another woman stands]
Mrs. Wilson: yes, Samantha?
Samantha: I grumbled at my children last week for not keeping their room clean. But I have to be honest - I don't know what else to do, and their room is so messy you can't even see their beds! What can you do? What would the perfect mom do about it?
[General outbreak of angry voices, shushed down quickly by Mrs. Wilson]
Mrs. Wilson: now, Samantha, you know the rules. No one here is ever to mention Those People.
Now, I want to thank you all for sharing with our new member. The next order of business is "Homework" - does anyone want to start the discussion?